Background of the study
From pre-consolidation to post-consolidation, the Nigerian insurance sector has shown significant development. They are benefiting from the wealth sport industry's recapitalization and growing abroad in order to compete with foreign communities. As observed by Preuß & Alfs Chuda (2018), insurance firms are now involved in the local content initiative of the oil and gas industry, energy insurance, maritime and aviation, and other transportation and logistic hazards. As a result, the Nigerian supporting sector has not profited from insurance activities since insurance has been characterized as a social security welfare, it would assist players to flaunt their confidence in participating in sports without worry. Nigeria is recognized not only as a prominent country in Africa in the sphere of sports, but also as a world achiever in fields such as world cup of various categories. since he scored four goals throughout the game The family was completely restored thanks to insurance coverage that is not available in Africa. Duncker, Humblot Verlag, Berlin & Isard (2015) said that sports insurance builds confidence, offers retirement protection, protects many aspects of disability, and enhances an economy. According to Mordi (1988), a country with enough insurance protection is a sick country, but a healthy country is a wealthy nation. Based on this maximum, we can assess the contributions of the insurance industry to the growth of the athletic sector in Nigeria.
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